Leasing your unused acres to solar developers allows you to generate extra monthly income, all while contributing to the renewable energy revolution that is working towards cleaner air and water.
Solar farming isn’t just good for the planet—it’s also good for you. Take our quiz to find out if your unused land is a good fit for solar development.
By partnering with solar developers, you can:
Generate a reliable, fixed annual income that typically ranges between $500 and $1,000 per acre per year.
Diversify your land use to limit your exposure in any one area.
Help create low-impact, emission-free infrastructure that helps fuel a cleaner planet.
Working with our team has its benefits. With years of experience in the land and renewable energy industries, our team can help inform you on the potential for your property and share it with the right developers to maximize your value.
Ready to learn more?
How much land is needed for a solar farm?
1 MW requires up to 4-8 acres of suitable land, depending on local characteristics of the property. Developers are interested in a wide variety of property types, located anywhere in North America where solar energy projects are economically feasible. Most developers seek to develop solar projects 10 MW or larger in size.
How much rent income will my land generate?
Land payments vary by geography as determined by local site conditions and the market cost of land. Most rent is significantly higher than current agricultural use.
Can I use (or farm) the property during the development period?
Yes! You are free to continue farming or using the property as you do currently prior to project construction. If you do farm, you may need to confirm you have the ability to terminate any farming operations in the event construction needs to begin in the middle of a crop cycle, thus causing crop loss. Many developers offer provisions in their leases to account for compensation in the event of loss.
Will there be any environmental or aesthetic impacts as a result of a solar farm being constructed on my land?
During the full lifecycle of the solar project, the project owner will work to mitigate any effect on the local environment as well as to reduce the aesthetic impact of the solar farm for you and nearby property owners.